Thursday, September 1, 2016

Chicken or the egg or the chicken?

A very controversial subject came up in conversation with an 18 year old... I felt so passionate about it I wanted to stop the car and blog instantly.

 But I have left it a few days, contemplating its long reaching effects, realising it could cause offence and hurt to different fraternities. I hope you will forgive my imperfections and embrace these thoughts with an open heart, prayerfully.

 I have concluded that there is no easy solution and am eternally grateful I'm not currently involved in leading a church.

 I trust that if you are, that you will read this, not as a criticism but an impassioned plea to pray long and hard, to hear Jesus on this dilemma of 'the chicken or the egg'.

 So here goes...

 We live in a fallen world - tick
We All fall short of The Glory of God - tick

So  How do we measure the level of righteousness required to lead worship for example?

 If The Lord has gifted a soul with a heart for music and a voice of an angel..or a tenor, then surely if their hearts are willing, shouldn't we encourage young people to manifest those gifts through
worshipping at the front, encouraging others (maybe less gifted - with a voice more closely resembling an out of tune violin).

 As they open their hearts to be filled with The Holy Spirit, surrendering their whole being to be led by Christ, to sing of His goodness and mercy, then surely they are testifying to the power of His Love and redemption.

 But...but...but...what if... What if this teenager was spotted drinking alcohol to excess with his peers at a nightclub one evening. Could this be a huge dilemma - can the leaders of the church condone this behaviour, by continuing to let this 'wayward' lad/lass lead The evening worship? The fire in their
souls may be fierce for Jesus...but?

 Should 'squeaky clean' youngsters replace their drunken sisters and brothers or do you welcome these talented musicians to stand tall - to play their instruments, to close their eyes as if praying
whilst singing with great passion.. being filled with The Holy Spirit - their minds being refreshed and transformed.

There is evidence that The more they sing of His greatness from the depths of their souls, the more they will become like Him. Gradually their strength will be renewed like wings on eagles and when they socialise with their peers, they will be in the world but no longer of the world.

They may testify in sweaty nightclubs as their friends indulge in things less savoury, to The Love of Jesus Christ. They...will be among 'the sick' who are in need of a doctor. But..what if they have to prove they never intend to be weak among their persuasive friends, will they be 'overlooked' and
made to feel unworthy, rejected, not 'good' enough...will they stay?

 Surely the devil himself will endorse your actions..."flee, go far away, you are not welcome"

 And they may go, never to return.

 I understand that the vulnerable youngsters in the congregation need role models in church. But maybe, just maybe if they see a gifted friend leading worship in their 'imperfection'...and witnes the transformation into a young adult walking the right path it may be less scary for them.

 Not because they want to go off the rails, but because they can see you don't have to be 'perfect' to serve God, but passion leads to an honest walk with Jesus, through treacherous waters, forgiven by the blood of the lamb, a new creation in Him.

 The popular teen swaying a little on a Friday out in town, sober on a Saturday in a pub, can give testimony that he needs to be sober to play his guitar at church on the Sunday...over time his swaying friends may join him at church, then slowly in God's time they too will be transformed by His Holy Spirit.

 I'm not gifted in any musical way, I was a sinner who believed in God but didn't know Him or His son when my friend took me to church. It was during worship that I experienced my 'on the road to Damascus' conversion, 30 years ago.

 I go to church regularly but I'm still a sinner, I'm just trying harder to be more like Jesus...

 Maybe filling our leadership with 'holier than thou' Christians, may not be so appealing to youngsters who enjoy getting high on cannabis, drinking alcohol and having under age sex...maybe just maybe if their not so 'squeaky clean' friend invites them to come and join in the worship he is leading...Jesus might have a room full of souls hungry for His Love, pouring His Holy Spirit into their hearts and minds as they sing for the first time..."Amazing sweet the sound'

 So as I said at the start this is an Unfathomable dilemma, Jesus forgave a prostitute her sins ..he approached her where she was...he forgives us on a daily basis, our endeavours to be righteous failing often before our mid morning snack... He first Loved us...He knows our daily struggles, some sins are more evident than others...

 I don't know the we accept, encourage and embrace a teenager without judgement to use their God given gifts to lead worship as their hearts desire today - accepting them for who they are - or do we wait until they come to church without blemish?

 Should we reject their talents (and possibly them) because they are not in the 'right place at the moment?

 I don't know the answer - do you? If you do , please share your thoughts.

 If not, perhaps we should really pray about this and ask Jesus...what would He do?

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